Monday, December 11, 2006

1 year "Gotcha Day" Anniversary!!!

One year ago today, December 11, 2005, Todd and I stepped off the plane in the city of Nanning in Guangxi province. This was the day we were going to get Libby!!! We met with the 5 other families who also had little girls from Guangxi province and we boared our bus to the hotel. We were in our hotel room for about half an hour, when we heard someone yell from the hallway, "the babies are here!!!" We were a little surprised as we were not supposed to meet Libby for a few more hours! So, we rushed into the hall and Todd started the videocamera. Then at about 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, December 11, 2005, at the hotel in Nanning, Guangxi, China, I became a mommy forever. Jing Li Hua was placed in my arms and she became Libby Sofia LiHua Jones forever. Our lives have forever been changed. That little 10 month old baby was now our daughter.

Hard to believe that a year has passed. Instead of a scared 10 month old baby, who was not so sure about her mommy and daddy is now a beautiful, blossoming 22 month old who is excited for Christmas!!! We can't believe how much has changed in a year. Libby is the light of our lives and we could not have a more pefect daughter to fit into our family. Now we are also on the wait for Libby's baby sister, Ella! I can't wait till our journey to Ella as well but I will also remember Libby's "gotcha day."

We are celebrating tonight with 3 of the families that we traveled with in China. So excited to see how their girls have grown! We are hosting the party at our house and are very excited. Here are some pictures from our "gotcha day" a year ago. Can you believe how much she has grown?!?!

Family of THREE!!! - 12/11/05

mommy & daughter! - 12/11/05

First kiss - 12/11/05

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